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5 Useful Tips To Prepare Your Lawn For Thanksgiving

When it comes to Thanksgiving decorations for your outdoor space, there are plenty of ways like thanksgiving yard inflatables to go about it. You can go classic with a cornucopia filled with fall fruits and vegetables or get creative with a turkey made out of pumpkins! Here are some ideas for outdoor Thanksgiving decorations that will make your home feel like fall:

thanksgiving outdoor decoration ideas

1. Clean Up Your Lawn

Before you start decorating, make sure to have a clean yard. Remove any fallen leaves or dead grass so that it doesn’t get mixed in with your decorations. Also, remove any clutter from your yard such as toys and furniture that might get in the way of setting up your decorations.

2. Trim Your Grass

It’s important to keep your grass trimmed before Thanksgiving so it doesn’t look messy when you’re having guests over. The last thing you want is for someone to trip over some long grass while they’re trying to walk through your yard in high heels! If you don’t know how to trim your lawn, there are plenty of tutorials online that can teach you how to do it.

3.Decorate Your lawn With Festive Thanksgiving yard inflatables

Once you’ve cleaned up your lawn, it’s time to decorate it with some festive thanksgiving yard inflatables like pumpkins, Thanksgiving Happy Turkey Inflatables, and more! You can find many of these Thanksgiving blow ups online in different shapes and sizes so that they fit perfectly in your yard space. These Thanksgiving inflatables are available in different colors too so you can choose whatever suits your taste best!

4. Use plants instead of flowers

Flowers are beautiful but they also require maintenance and watering. Instead of using them for your outdoor decorations, use plants instead as they don’t require any special care or attention from you. Plants can also last long after the holidays have passed so you won’t have to worry about cleaning up after the party has ended.

5. Place some artificial snow for winter

One of the best ways to create a winter land at home is by placing artificial snow all over your lawns — especially on trees and bushes where it can look more natural than real snow alone would do. You can use fake snow both indoors and outdoors to give your lawn that extra touch of winter magic before Thanksgiving arrives!

5. Add some holiday String Lights to add a special touch
String Lights are an easy way to add some holiday cheer to your lawn. You can use them both indoors and outdoors, depending on how much light you want and where you want it. For example, if you have an outdoor seating area or patio, string lights make for great ambiance at night. If you have an indoor window or door, string lights can be used as a subtle way of decorating without having to worry about decorations falling off in high winds or heavy rains.

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